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Lynne Price Curriculum Vitae



University of Maryland, College Park, MD- MFA in Dance, 2015

Goucher College, Baltimore, MD – BA in Dance Science, Performance and Choreography, 2009



St Mary’s College of Maryland, Movement 1, spring 2017

St Mary’s College of Maryland, Modern 2, spring 2017

UMD DANC409, contact improvisation, fall 2014

UMD DANC200, introduction to dance, spring/fall 2014

UMD DANC149, fundamentals of modern for non-majors, spring 2015

UMD DANC148, fundamentals of modern for non-majors, spring/fall 2013, spring 2015

UMD DANC128, fundamentals of ballet for non-majors, fall 2012

UMD DANC109, Improvisation, Spring 2014 (TA), Spring 2016 (Adjunct)

Modern Dance Guest Artist, Towson University, Spring 2017

Modern Dance Guest Teaching for Deep Vision Dance Company, January 2017

Movement for Comedy Improvisers for BIG University, Baltimore, May-June 2016

Modern Dance Guest Teaching Series for The Collective at the Bryn Mawr School Sundays from June 28 to August 2, 2015

Movement Research at Church on the Square, an ongoing series of classes provided three times a week beginning in July, 2015

Master Classes in Advanced Modern Dance, UMBC, November/December 2015

Created an Embodied Race 4 workshop series for the Collective’s Community Project, Baltimore, October 2015

Substitute teaching UMD DANC 309, intermediate modern, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Fall 2016

Dance/Movement for Karina Arts Café, a community-based dance class for youth and young adults with mental and physical disabilities, January-May2015

Goucher Dance Early Arrival Program, Intermediate Modern, Advanced Modern, Contact Improvisation, Contemplative Dance Making and Authenticity, Site-Specific Dance, August 2014, August 2015 and August 2016

Modern technique for professionals with The Collective, 2009-present

Workshop for UMD's Dance Fraternity, "Sliding, Falling and Miscellaneous Risk Taking" in 2015

Ballet for modern dancers with The Collective, periodically since 2009

Workshop in Contact Improvisation for improv comedians, November 2014

Workshops in improvisation throughout Baltimore/DC area 2011-present

Workshops in stretch/placement/conditioning throughout Baltimore area 2011-present

Contact improvisation for all skill levels, Baltimore, 2013

Goucher College Orchesis, Creative Process, December 2013

Modern and improvisation for professionals with The Effervescent Collective, 2009-2013

Modern master classes for teens, Ridgewood, NJ, 2009



Distinguished Graduate Student Teaching Award, UMD May 2014



Dance Educators Training Intensive: Authentic Movement, August 2016

Maryland Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Contact Improvisation to build respectful and responsible relationships, Baltimore, October 2014

Dance OMI International collaborative residency, Omi, New York, August 2017




“Relate. Ruminate. Root” with Triptych: Movement. Image. Sound, Church on the Square, February 2017

“Flatlands” with Sidney Pink at EMP Collective, March 2017

“This is Home” with The Collective, Baltimore Theater Project, April 2017

“Dream State” (working title) independently produced under BIDA, Creative Alliance, May 2017

 University of Maryland

“Sharing a Dance with You” MFA in dance thesis concert, UMD October 2014

“Canned Soup” from Shared Graduate Dance Concert, 2014

“This is Long Overdue!” a collaborative, improvised duet from Shared Graduate Dance Concert, 2014

“Meet Me in the Library: A Dance Tour” a site-specific performance for Maryland Day, 2014

“Untitled Duet” from New Works, 2013

“[Th?s]” from First Year Showing, 2013

“[Th@t]” from First Year Showing, 2013

“Duet for One Dancer” from Shared Graduate Dance Concert, 2013

The Collective

“If you’d rather leave” in collaboration with Kristen Yeung, part of the Collective’s Annual Concert, Baltimore, April 2016

“In Flight” commissioned by Prescott Gaylord for SHORTS 2015

“26 year retrospective in 5 parts” commissioned by Jacalyn Price for SHORTS 2015

“Unbearable Roadtrip Survival Guide, Volume 1” for SHORTS 2015

 “This is Not a Men’s Dance” for Collective’s Annual Concert, Baltimore, May 2015

 “Silhou // ette” commissioned by Andrew Sargus Klein for SHORTS 2014

“Awe, or the Other” commissioned by Kevin Griffin Moreno for SHORTS 2014

“The Space We Draw” from Baltimore Dance Invitational, Baltimore March 2013

“Glorious Revived” from AKIMBO at Metro Gallery, 2013

“RE: Swan Lake” from SHORTS, 2013, reprised November 2014

“They See Your Every Move” from SHORTS, 2013

“Static: If I, Then We?” during The Collective’s Open Marley and Merge: The Collective’s Annual Concert 2013 and the New Releases Choreographer’s Showcase at Dance Place, 2013

“aLIVE!” a re-staging during AKIMBO at Area 405, 2012

“lat 39N 18' 12.9708" long 76W 36' 40.9608” from The Collective’s Annual Concert, 2011

“aLIVE!” an intimate team collaboratively choreographed concert, 2011

“Mobtown Cacophony,” from PopArt, 2010

“Slow down,” from SHORTS, 2009

Independent Choreography
“Sharing a Dance with You” produced as part of the Charm City Fringe Festival, November 2016

Various short dances for the Collective’s SHORTS, August 2016

“States & Drives III” an improvisational project with Klein/Prince, Baltimore, January 2016

“First Death” at Movement Research, NYC, December 2015

“First Death” at Parts and Pieces at EMP Collective, Baltimore, November 2015

“Intro” at Goucher College, October 2015

“In Flight”, “Unbearable Roadtrip Survival Guide Part One”, “Parts 1-5” for SHORTS 2015, Baltimore, August 2015

A new solo at 4-Play: The One About Kink, Baltimore Theatre Project, July 2015

"[Th?s]" at Queer Pulse, E.M.P. Space, Baltimore, June 2015

“Sharing a Dance with You” at Creative Alliance, Baltimore, June 2015

“Shattered Skies” commissioned by the Baltimore Composers Forum, 2013

“Eos-Helios” commissioned by the Baltimore Composers Forum, 2013

“PRESS > PLAY” from PRESS > PLAY at the Peabody Heights Brewery, 2013

“States and Drives” improvisation project with Klein/Prince at E.M.P. Space, 2013

“Shutter Priority” from Available, 2011-2012

“Take Care” From Available, 2011-2012

“Sex Tape,” performance art performed at Body Politik, 2011

“Le (deuxieme) Reve,” “Shutter Priority,” “Face of Serenity,” “Far Flung Net,” “Take Care,” “Junction,” “Dolor,” “FlimFlam,” “Reiteration” from Available, a concert commissioned by the Baltimore Composers Forum, 2011

“Le Reve” commissioned by the Baltimore Composers Forum, 2010

“Of Chance and Happenstance” commissioned by the Baltimore Composers Forum, 2009-2010

“Hall” a dance film, 2009

Effervescent Collecive

“Prisms” from Turn Into, 2012

“Pluto Dances,” collaboratively choreographed, 2010

“Slow down and smell the…” from Aromatic (non)Sense- Dances for Smelling, 2009

Baltimore Rock Opera Society

“Nog Dances,” from The Terrible Secret of Lunastus, 2011

Goucher College

“Parallax Error” a dance film and live performance, 2009

“Wisp,” 2008

“Circus,” 2008

“At Dusk,” 2007




“Relate. Ruminate. Root” with Triptych: Movement. Image. Sound, Church on the Square, February 2017

“Flatlands” with Sidney Pink at EMP Collective, March 2017

“This is Home” with The Collective, Baltimore Theater Project, April 2017

“Dream State” (working title) independently produced under BIDA, Creative Alliance, May 2017

Invited Improviser at High Zero, an experimental and improvisational music festival, Baltimore, September 2017

University of Maryland

“Rapture” with PEARSONWIDRIG Dance Theatre at UMD November 2015

“Projects for the Living” with Robin Neveu Brown, MFA thesis concert, March 2015

“Grains” with Adriane Fang at the Faculty Dance Concert, UMD November 2014

“Sharing a Dance with You” MFA in dance thesis concert, UMD October 2014

“Canned Soup” from Shared Graduate Concert, 2014

“This is Long Overdue!” from Shared Graduate Dance Concert, 2014

“Meet Me in the Library: A Dance Tour” a site-specific performance for Maryland Day, 2014

“Untitled Duet” from New Works, 2013

“[Th?s]”, “Suburban Waltz”, “Untitled 1”, “Untitled 2” from First Year Showing, 2013

“Duet for One Dancer” from Shared Graduate Dance Concert, 2013

“Gravity” from Breath, Rhythm, Flight, 2012


“Sharing a Dance with You” produced as part of the Charm City Fringe Festival, November 2016

Performing with PEARSONWIDRIG Dance Theater at the Dance Place Gala, October 1, 2016

Various short dances for the Collective’s SHORTS, August 2016

“Bend and Hold” with Sidney Pink at Towson University, April 2016 and Visarts Gallery, May 2016

“First Death” at Movement Research, NYC, December 2015

“States & Drives III” an improvisational project with Klein/Prince, Baltimore, January 2016

“First Death” as part of the Baltimore Dance Invitational, Baltimore, February 2016

 “First Death” at Parts and Pieces at EMP Collective, Baltimore, November 2015

“Intro” at Goucher College, October 2015

A new solo at 4-Play: The One About Kink, Baltimore Theatre Project, July 2015

"[Th?s]" at Queer Pulse, E.M.P. Space, Baltimore, June 2015

“Sharing a Dance with You” at Creative Alliance, June 2015

“Improvisation” with Klein/Prince at States & Drives II: Responses to John Cage, Baltimore, March 2015

“Improvisation” with Tatsuya Nakatani and friends, DC, December 2014

“Bound/Rebound” by Erica Rebollar, performed at Tri-Dance, Baltimore, November 2014

“Placeholders” with Sharon Mansur as a site-specific event in Silver Spring, MD September 2014

“Grains” with Adriane Fang at the Kennedy Center, September 2014

“Insert [ ] Here” with Sharon Mansur at Dance Place, June 2014

“Grains (excerpt)” with Adriane Fang at Bare Bones ADG Spring Showing, University Settlement, NYC, June 2014

“Concerning Proximity” by Maria Bauman, performed at Baltimore Dance Invitional, 2014

“Take Me With You” by PEARSONWIDRIG Dance Theatre at the Kennedy Center, 2014

“Ordinary Festivals” by PEARSONWIDRIG Dance Theatre at the Kennedy Center, 2014

The Collective

Various “Shorts” for The Collective, Creative Alliance, August 2017

“If you’d rather leave”, “Imprint”, “Detaching” the Collective’s Annual Concert, Baltimore, April 2016

“In Flight”, “Unbearable Roadtrip Survival Guide Part One”, “Parts 1-5”, “Whim” for SHORTS 2015, Baltimore, August 2015

“This is Not a Men’s Dance”, “[fare]well”, “Assembled” at [re]wired, The Collective’s Annual Concert, Baltimore, May 2015

“Bound/Rebound” by Erica Rebollar at Third Annual Baltimore Dance Invitational, February 2015

“Solar” by Lauren Withhart at Dance Camp Benefit Concert, Baltimore, January 2015

“Solar”, “Sillhou // ette”, “Envy”, “Zazen” for SHORTS 2014

“The Space We Draw” at Howard County Community College Dance Festival, 2014

“The Space We Draw”, “The ONE Factor”, “Elevation” at Baltimore Dance Invitational, 2014

“Spectrum 2.0” at B’more Dance Mixer III, 2014

“Spectrum 2.0” at The Collective/Clancyworks in Concert 2014

“RE: Swan Lake” with the Collective and Baltimore Improv Group’s Out on a Limb, 2013


“Static: If I, Then We?” “Memoirs,” “Untitled,” and a guest artist work during The Collective’s Open Marley and Merge: The Collective’s Annual Concert 2013

“Dust Bunnies” as part of Vauxhall: Postmodern Vaudeville for Baltimore, 2013

“The Movement” presented by Free Fall Baltimore 2012

“aLIVE!” as part of AKIMBO, 2012

“PopArt in Action” as part of Artscape 2012

 “Complex Figures,” “Sister Friends,” “Science, God and the Three Stooges,” from Prime: The Collective’s Annual Concert, 2012

“Choose Your Own Adventure,” from SHORTS and Open Marley, 2012

“Growl” from B’more Dance: An Autumn Mixer, 2011

“aLIVE!” 2011

“Growl” for the Annual GSAI Professional Dance Showcase and Dance Baltimore Member Showcase, 2011

“Just Makin’ Sure Y’all ‘r Payin’ Attention,” “Coitus,” “Growl,” from the Collective’s Annual Concert, 2011

“Movement Activity: CEZANNE,” “Obviously You’re Not a Golfer,” “Mozart and Mayhem,” “The Umbrella’s Bones” from The Collective’s Annual Concert, 2010

“Om: A Meditation,” various concerts, 2010-2011

“Sugar and Spice” various concerts 2009-2010

“Architecture of Farewell” with at Creative Alliance, June 2015

“Ordinary” NYC, 2013

“We Are Now Here,” Baltimore and NYC, 2013

“Rite, “2011- 2013 performed in Baltimore, DC and NYC

“Running Bird” performed excerpt in 2012 from They Are of Threaded Glass, 2010

“Obviously You’re Not a Golfer,” 2010

Effervescent Collective 

“Prisms,” “Work for that pop” from Turn Into, 2012

“Try My Moustache” from B’more Dance: An Autumn Mixer, 2011

“Cove Folder,” 2011

“Video Game Dances,” for Transmodern Festival, 2011

“Arrival of the Unknown,” “Shake it to the Ground,” “Sleeves Dance,” from the Baltimore Dance Round Robin, 2011

“Dirty Dancing,” 2010

“Sleepyhead,” 2010

“Lemon Dances,” “Slow down and smell the…,” “Real Man Situations” and “Beach Foam Baby” from Aromatic (non)Sense- Dances for Smelling, 2009

“Athenaeum Installation,” dance film, 2009

Artscape Parking Garage Installation, 2009

“White Winter Hymnal,” 2008

Various improvisations, 2008-present

Baltimore Rock Opera Society

“Nog Dances,” 2011

Dance RINK

“Dracula,” 2009


Between the Synapse, Mid Atlantic Tour, 2009

Missed Connections, 2009

Goucher College

Main stage faculty and guest artist works and various undergraduate student works, 2005-2009

New Jersey Ballet Company

Corps de Ballet and Demi-soloist roles, 2001-2005



University of Maryland, College Park including: Patrik Widrig, Sara Pearson, Adriane Fang, Miriam Philips, Karen Kohn Bradley

Irene Dowd

Kathleen Hermsdorff

Angie Hauser

Chris Aiken

Martin Keogh

Nancy Stark Smith

Daniel Bear Davis

Maria Bauman

Ives Candeau

Jennifer McLeish-Lewis

Isabelle Carbonelle

Miriam Wolodarski

Aharona Israel

Nicole Bindler

Cyrus Khambatta

Curt Haworth

Stephanie Miracle

Sharon Mansur

Adriane Fang

Sara Pearson

Patrik Widrig

David Dorfman

Matthew Cumbie

Seth Dellinger

Effervescent Collective

The Collective

Lauren Withhart

Gaga Technique with Danielle Agami

Deep Vision Dance

Dance RINK

Goucher College

Parsons Dance

New Jersey Ballet

The New Jersey Governor’s School for the Arts

American Ballet Theatre

Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet

Ballet Academy East

Ballet Regent

The Rock School of the Pennsylvania Ballet





“Lynne is such a phenomenal instructor; I learned so much with her. She actually made me realize the passion that I have for dancing and the arts in general. I love her teaching style because she moves very fast but in a way that any person regardless of their background in dance can catch on. She’s such an amazing person and I believe that if you ever need another dance class you should have her teach it....she is just awesome.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance II


“Dance made me a more well-rounded, worldly individual. I was able to let go in dance, unlike my other classes. What I liked was that every student gained something different from that class. We all learned about ourselves. I tried my best to dance like no one was watching. I gained confidence in front of others and learned to care less and less about what other people think about me. The teacher was excellent- she made dance do-able. We are not dance-majors, and our dance backgrounds vary widely. She made it relatable to all. I liked how she compared social norms to dance too. We challenged sexism, racism and discrimination as a whole. I learned to be more open to other people and be more understanding. People are going through a lot more than you can see on the outside. Additionally, I would love taking a dance class that compares dance to social reform and challenges social norms. I think our professor would be perfect to teach a class like this.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“Lynne's teaching style was really active - there was no point during class where we weren't experiencing, learning, or watching something new. I liked the various techniques she taught us and how she worked to incorporate her PT and anatomy-based knowledge into class.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“I learned a lot about myself from this course and Lynn was a fantastic teacher. She was well-prepared for every class and always challenged us outside our comfort zones.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“Great Instructor that has a lot of passion for teaching.” .” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“Her teaching style was bold, but helpful. She definitely challenged our class, and we bonded through that.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“Not the kind of course that I was used to and therefore at times quite challenging. However the material was prepared and presented very well in a very welcoming environment which made engaging with the unorthodox (for STEM major) material easy.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I



“very effective and engaging.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I



“Lynne is a great teacher. We always have a lot of fun during the class, at the same time we really actually learn a lot. I was unable to do anything remotely graceful before this class. I'm still not what you'd call "great", but I'm better than I was. Modern dance is really fun.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“The teacher is extremely considerate and open to student's concern. I really enjoy her teaching style and make the materials very interesting and relevant to us.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“These non-major dance classes are amazing. Especially having a grad student teach them. It gives the grad students a experience teaching people who have varying levels of experience and it gives the students a chance to work with someone who is in closer proximity in life to them. Makes for a stronger bond.

Additionally, Lynne is amazing. You should hire them as a professor right now. They are an incredible teacher, an astounding dancer, and a beautiful person. I've learned so much from them about dancing but even about things the class isn't about, like feminism and queer theory. Plus, they have the sickest hair ever.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“The instructor went above and beyond to help students. This made her very approachable and fun to learn from. I loved this class and won't forget it!” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“I loved this class, the instructor is great! She did a great job at making us feel like a community” –Fundamentals of Dance I


“I absolutely loved Lynne. She was incredibly hard working, engaging, and she always wanted us to keep improving. She is a great dancer, and you can tell that she LOVES dance and her students. Unlike the other TA, [name redacted], who did not even change out of his jeans & sat at his laptop as he asked students to work on their group projects, and [name redacted] who scolded me in front of her entire class because I came into the class at 12:32 instead of 12:30, Lynne was BY FAR the best instructor for this course. Kind of like teacher was just so "meh", the other teacher was uptight, and Lynne was just right. Very pleased with her. Not saying Lynne was just handing out A's left and right, I did have to work for it. Also, Lynne held EXTRA classes outside of class so that students who wanted to make up a class could do about caring about your students. (BTW, I know how the other instructors are because I made up my missed classes by going to their classes. Normally I wouldn't take the time of day to bash on other TAs but they were both just so ridiculous.)” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


“Great teacher. Would love to have her again. She taught us how to use dance as a way to release emotions and just be comfortable in our own skin. I really appreciate her warm energy. She was constructive but understood that it was a beginner class.” –Fundamentals of Modern Dance I


"Absolutely loved this class, I would recommend that everyone take it to learn more about themselves and to feel more connected to their bodies." –Improvisation


"absolutely loved this class! very challenging physically, mentally and emotionally, but its definitely something i will never forget. teaching style was very open and responsive to how students were feeling." – Improvisation


"I loved this class. It really helped me break out of my shell and grow as a dancer. The instructor did a phenomenal job helping me branch out." –Improvisation


"Professor Price was a great instructor. They made the class a safe space for the work we needed to do. Given the loose structure of the class, they were great at guiding us through what was expected of us, improvising around the syllabus, and exercising great judgement in leading the class. The book assigned was a great accompaniment. Even though I did not make the time to make use of the book in the class, it gave me a lot of useful ways to think that I will be carrying forward. I hope Professor Price is kept at the university, since their skill and life experience have made for great guidance for myself and other students." –Improvisation


"Lynne was extremely fair and reasonable for the course material for this class. She always gave us plenty of notice before an assignment was due and graded and handed back assignments in a fair and timely manner." –Improvisation


“I really enjoyed taking this course not only for the material taught but for the way it was designed. I liked the fact that the course was focused on discussion focused and developing our own understanding of the dance world through personal experience. My only wish is that more time was scheduled for the completion of the final project.” –Introduction to Dance


“Great teaching style/content. she made a CORE class actually interesting and applicable to my life. More than just memorizing facts, but really understanding the ideas of dance” –Introduction to Dance


“Really enjoyed the course, especially the final project. The content was interesting and it was taught in a way that anyone could appreciate, regardless of your level of experience in dance.” –Introduction to Dance


“I enjoy the unconventional teaching style of the Professor. It was challenging in a different way. More introspective and at the same time we learn to work in group.” –Introduction to Dance


“Very sweet and understanding. Absolutely loved her enthusiasm and attitude. She seems very passionate about what she does.” –Introduction to Dance


“Great and interesting class. Lynne was really effective in teaching the skills and created an open and comfortable space for us to explore movement. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to go to the DC improv jam and work with the skills we learned in class to move with people we don't know.” ­–Contact Improvisation


Links to choreographic work


If you’d rather leave


Sharing a dance with you


First death (WIP)


The space we draw


Static: If I, then we?


This is long overdue


Duet for one dancer

© 2015 by Lynne Price. Proudly created with

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